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Why It’s Best to Duplicate Keys
Duplicating keys is a sound home safety practice. It gives homeowners peace of mind knowing they have a spare key if the original is misplaced.
Rekeying Versus Replacing Locks
For a non-professional, the terms rekeying and replacing locks may sound the same. In fact, some homeowners haven’t ever heard of rekeying and thus always opt for replacing locks instead. But knowing the difference can help a homeowner to make an informed decision and save good money.
The Importance of Securing a Garage
Think of all the items commonly stored in garages—cars, boats, bikes, advanced camping gear, garden equipment, and musical instruments. These items are either costly, precious to one’s heart, or both. Despite that, many homeowners leave their garage door open all day and only close it at night. However, the lack of a handle doesn’t prevent thieves from opening the door.
Explore These Top Tips to Maintain Residential Locks
Locks contribute to the overall safety of a house. But like other complex mechanisms, they require regular maintenance to ensure they work properly.
New Homeowner? Here's How You Can Secure Your Home
People are generally most concerned with the furniture and decor when moving into their new homes. While both are extremely important, they pale in comparison to securing your new home.
Reasons A Car Won’t Detect the Key Fob
The latest car models do not use traditional ignition keys to start the vehicle. With the advance of technology, most cars now have keyless entry systems, consisting of a key fob transmitter and a receiver fitted inside the vehicle.
4 Tips to Prevent Locking Your Children in the Car
Keeping a close eye on the children can be challenging in the modern world full of distractions and commitments. However, locking the children in the car for an extended period can be life-threatening and should never become a habit for anyone.
Here's What You Should Know About Transponder Key Programming
Transponders are an additional security measure for vehicles that developed over 25 years ago. Since then, the anti-theft concept has become prevalent in commercial and personal vehicles.
Here's How You Can Make Your Home More Secure
Every year, we see a steep rise in the number of break-ins, vandalism, and other household crimes across the country.
Benefits of Antimicrobial Door Handles and Knobs
Frequently used objects like door handles can present a health hazard due to viruses and bacteria that remain on the surface.
What Are Pin Tumbler Locks and What Advantages Do They Offer?
With the range of locks available in the market, it can get overwhelming for homeowners to weigh the pros and cons of each before replacing or installing a lock for their home.
How to Choose A New Safe
A locksmith can offer all the possible security measures to protect the house from security cameras and alarms to smart locks.
Facts About Fingerprint Locks
The use of biometric technology in the home security system has been revolutionary.
Transponder Keys and Why They Cost So Much
Almost all cars that have been on the road post-1995 come with a transponder key.
Keyless Or Mechanical Deadbolt?
Mechanical locks use a key, while electronic locks are keyless. If you are confused about which one is the best out of the two, here are some pros and cons of each.
Tips for Seniors Who are Isolating
Here are some helpful tips on how to maximize security for seniors living alone or self-isolating at home.
How to Secure Your Business During Temporary Shutdown
Securing your business when hours or employees are cut short.